Someone's been busy! Verizon made a number of announcements recently. First, I saw that America's favorite teen crush (sorry Teddy Geiger, you're almost there...), Adam Brody, has cut a deal with the wireless carrier to create exclusive animated content. He's created a fictional comic, which will be animated and featured in fourteen 3-minute episodes on the wireless carrier's vCast feed. Verizon V-Cast viewers get all sorts of other little extra's with this: like ringtones, behind-the-scenes footage (not sure how that works with a graphic novel...Adam Brody sharpening colored pencils? Clearing his throat before a voiceover?), etc.
Verizon also announced a partnership with to provide comedy shorts on vCast.
This announcement brings with it the question of's advertisers - specifically, do they get to ride the mobile application wave too?
From a PR perspective, it should be interesting to see how long it will be before Brands can pay to place original content for viewing on vCast and what kind of viewership/measurement system someone develops to show networks and advertisers the value of buying into vCast.
Will there come a day when our phone bills are subsidized for watching a 15-minute branded infomercial on our handsets? Or will a barter system evolve - more pix and text messaging and peak minutes in exchange for watching advertising?
Time shall tell. Until then, I'll keep watching my phone...literally.