First we had blogging reporters and citizen-journalists, and now it seems that CNN has added live-blogging news anchors to the mix. As I was channel surfing a couple of days ago, I caught Anderson Cooper announcing that he would be live-blogging from his 360 show this week. Cooper started the experiment on his February 6th show, by reading and responding to viewer comments during commercial breaks. The idea of live-blogging news anchors doesn't seem to be completely new however. Apparently Greta Van Susteren over at Fox News has been both blogging and commenting while anchoring On The Record. Talk about multi-tasking...
This looks like an interesting attempt by CNN to make their shows more interactive and to draw TV viewers to their website. Is it paying off? According to a CNN spokesperson who was interviewed by TVNewser, the page had more than 12,000 views from 10 p.m. to midnight on the first night, and the live-blogging is scheduled to continue "occasionally with the goal of making it a nightly event."