I'm delighted to announce that Jackie Huba, co-author of your textbook Citizen Marketers will come talk to us on Tuesday about social media and how it is changing the marketplace.
In addition to having published Citizen Marketers, Jackie also co-authored Creating Customer Evangelists with Ben McConnell and regularly blogs at the Church of the Customer Blog.
When she's not busy writing books, Jackie travels the country speaking at conferences and consults with companies such as Microsoft, Ulta, Discovery Education, Yahoo and Verio. Jackie has extensive marketing experience having led the business-to-business marketing efforts of IBM's software division for 12 years. She is a past board member of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association and a graduate of Penn State University.
Her work in researching passionate customer loyalty has been profiled by the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Fortune, Businessweek, NPR, U.S. News & World Report, the Financial Times, Fast Company and several thousand blogs. You can access her full biography on the customer evangelist site.