It used to be you knew you made it when you had a gay rumor spread about you. Now you know made it if you have a firefox plug-in. The latest plug-in to cross my radar blows me away - it's an anti-rickroll plug-in.
Now, this is a godsend if you are one of those people with idiotic friends who rick-roll you regularly, ie - spam you with links disguised as something you want to click on but instead direct you to a video of Rick Astley singing "Never Gonna Give You Up." (Note: you will not be rick-rolled in this post. I am over 30 and over the rick-roll).
Congrats to the sick individual who created the rick roll and rolled it out globally. You now have your own firefox plug-in blocker.
And Rick Astley, once again, retreats to the dusty annals of our minds.