These links are a day late (and a dollar short?) but who cares, I think they are effing genius!
Now, apparently, some of my twitter friends (that's YOU, Colleen Coplick!) are anti-Peep! I heart the Peeps! And NOT just because the company is based in the town next to where I grew up.
I mean, COME ON. Peeps are marshmellow/sugar goodness. They have a chance to rock it primarily once a year, although the website appears to be marketing other holidays for peep love. I'm down with that.
I'll tell you what else I am down with. Check this photo gallery of Peep diorama's the WAPO ran. Totally rad. But even more amazing? Check the PEEP online FILM FEST that YesButNoButYes hosted. Possibly one of the most amazing CGM brand executions I've seen online and ironically, I can't say Peeps was involved nor spent a single marketing dollar on this. That's Brand equity and loyalty at its finest. F'ing marshmellows! Microsoft or FOX will likely acquire Peeps in 2 days for multi-million, billion, quadrillion dollars;) Vampire bite widgets of Peeps are sure to follow.
But wait! here's the dopest of them all. Check it: