Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Blog Prob 3. No Clear Strategy

Blogs have their own purpose and if you still are writing just because "They" are writing it, then soon you will find yourself in a difficult spot, if not already! 

Blogs need to have a clear strategy. When you are writing a personal blog, you write in a way to communicate your thoughts to your friends and family members. When you are carrying out a business blog, you need to set your priorities right.

No Clear Strategy

In case of a business blog, you need to create content that will not only welcome your visitors to whichever post, but also help sustain the momentum. They must feel excited to visit your blog again later on.

Addressing the issue

  • Draw a Battle-Plan – You need to understand very clearly what you want from your blog. Will it just communicate your thoughts and aspirations? Or will it be written for highlighting your product and business?
  • Content is King – Whatever you do, you need to write it in a way that will build your reputation over-time. Readers will start to take you as a guaranteed source of inspiration only when you give them quality stuff.
  •  Design – Design speaks a lot for your business. Ensure to have a design that will welcome your visitor and allow them to go through your content seamlessly.
  •  Aim high – You must have come across some of the industry leaders’ blogs during the course of your own. Aim to create content that will match-up to their standards.

Follow the above tips and you will see more visitors in the due course of time. 

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Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Blog Prob 2. No Traffic!!

A blog is only as good as the traffic it generates. No matter how much you keep yourself busy with the blog, you still need motivation in the form of a steady traffic. Your blog can help redirect so many potential customers to your website. This will automatically result in higher sales. But even after carrying out a good blog, what if you are still not seeing the traffic increase?

No Traffic

We normally write a Blog to highlight the developments happening in our company. But the way we write them may completely turn the readers off. In such a scenario, you need drastic changes in the way the blog is written. Here are the tips which will come in handy –

Addressing the issue

  • Re-Evaluate – Ask questions from the readers’ point of view. The way you write the blog must be different than the way other businesses write. You must highlight previously unknown facts about your product/services and make it interesting to read. Check the posts which received the highest clicks and compare them with the ones that engaged the readers (comments). The goal here is to write more about what people want, not want you want them to hear.

  • Guest Posts – You are not the only one in your industry carrying out a blog. Even if this is the case, then there are ways and means through which you can attract a whole new set of audience – Guest posts. You can write about something completely different on someone else’s blog in order to bring variety into your writing. This will be a win-win situation for both the blogger as well as for your business.

  • Social Media – The fastest way with which you can increase your traffic is by recommending it to your audience in various social networks. Blogs must be the kind of resource that they can check up on, whether they are on any particular social network or not anymore. Remember, MySpace is now almost forgotten. So, don’t just concentrate on your social media marketing skills solely on social networks, keep your blog at the center of your campaign.

It is a fantastic experience to see the graph rise with time. Ensure to carry out the right job and see your dream of getting more people to your blog, come true.

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Blog Prob 1. Less or No Comments?

Blogs are the cornerstone of any company’s social media campaign. Many companies believe they are better off carrying social media marketing on various social networking sites. They overlook one simple fact – SMM is nothing without blogs.

A blog is like YOUR VOICE. There are many who believe that with the advent of micro-blogging sites like Twitter and others, blogging is dead. But it is NOT the case. A blog has many advantages. Those will be discussed later. This blog essentially discusses the reasons why your blog isn’t drawing audience and how you can rectify it.

No Comments

When you dedicate a lot of time to your blog, you need comments that will help you understand the needs and wants of your customers/readers. When there are no comments, then that means you have serious issues with your blog. You need to address this issue immediately or else you will find your entire social media marketing campaign, crumble.

Addressing the issue

·         Comment on other blogs – Let others know that you are there. Comment on their blog and leave your web link there. Also write meaningful comments that will get them to click through and visit your site.

·         Respond – Make sure to capitalize on whichever comment you receive. Ensure to reply on the comments that you get from time to time.

·         Controversial topics – OK! This may not be the brightest of ideas but hey! Any publicity is a good publicity!

·         Ask questions – Ask questions at the end of the blog that will make your readers comment on it. Readers generally comment on questions or points that they find interesting. So, work accordingly.

Stay tuned to this space for other problems that bug your blog and learn how you will be able to fix them as well. 

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Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

The History of Cell Phone

Probably many of you will be watching this post via your cellphone. I bumped into this infographic which explains the history of cell phones in an awesome manner. The infographic beautifully shows the development of mobile telephony and how has it changed our lives. 

Do you know since when camera phones are commercially produced? Watch this infographic below and know more about that amazing technology you have right now in your pocket. Happy viewing!

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Cellphones have revolutionized the way we communicate with each other. Businesses have especially taken key notice of this vast and untapped market. If you are a business house, then you need to tailor your website according a mobile visitor. 

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Market Your BORING Business via Social Media

Social media marketing agencies have to deal with all sorts of clients. Now, it is a cool scenario when they have clients from the world of entertainment, sports, fashion and tech. There are materials available from the Internet and there is ready audience who would want to hear the latest developments taking place.

But what if you are dealing with a client who sells network cables or toilet seats? How will you be able to market the client in such a scenario? 

If you are a business owner who is short of ideas to market his product to people who really didn't care about it, then be assured, there are plenty of them.Social media marketing agencies have to deal with all sorts of clients. 

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Get Back To Basics

The first and the foremost thing that must do in order to rescue your business is – Get back to basics. You are selling something which helps people in some way or the other. Help your existing customers and potential ones with ideas on some of the most challenging issues they face. Give them ideas on a range of issues such as web conferencing, supply chain logistics and much more. They will start to take you as a guaranteed source of information and will spread the word out.

Be Creative

The least you can do is stop thinking that your business is boring. The moment you stop thinking like one, that is the moment when you start becoming creative about your product. Keep a track on what the world is talking about and think how you can place your product/service in line with what the world cares about. Connecting the dots and creating a new path will ensure that you will get more customers in a relatively short span of time.

Be Informative

Regardless of how BORING you think your business is, there is always some or the other development happening. Make sure to interview industry experts, government spokesperson and potential clients. You will be amazed to note how many CEOs would be up for an interview than an appointment. Make sure to thank them after the interview and have your marketing department devise ways and means to spread the word out to your existing clientele.

Feedback 24x7

Feedback is crucial to any business’s success. Make the most of it by regularly asking your clients on what they want from you and devise your products and services around them. With their comments getting attention, they will feel wanted and will turn loyal to your business.

A business may be boring but with the right kind of ideas, you can turn around your business and ring in more profits. So, are you game?

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Twitter Is NOW More Secure Than Facebook

This just made my day. 

Twitter has taken the lead out of most of the social networking sites by introducing a nice feature which will make your Twitter-experience all the more secure. With this option, you can now permanently enable the HTTPS feature for your profile, thus effectively shielding your website from attacks.

Click to Enlarge!!

HTTPS or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure allows you to send encrypted messages across the network. This effectively decreases the chance of somebody else hacking in to your site and playing with the data.

Now, Twitter has transferred most profiles into the secure category for quite some time but the new features enables you to permanently shift your profile in to the secured category.

How to Enable It?

Go to the “settings” tab of your Twitter profile and enable the “HTTPS only” feature. That’s it. You are done! (See the image above!)

Mobile users who access Twitter must make sure to log in via rather than for enabling the secure connection. Twitter will be soon updating its system by enabling this security feature for its mobile phone users as well.

Facebook should enable this security feature as soon as possible without which users are nothing else but sitting ducks!

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

How Social Media Monitoring Can Shape Your Business

Social media has made businesses all across the globe, stand up and take notice of this phenomenon. But with social media, you just cannot keep away from monitoring. In fact, monitoring social media is crucial to any business’s social media success. In this blog, I will tell you everything you need to know about social media monitoring. Have a look!

Why Is Social Media Monitoring Important For Your Business?

Social media is the new-age customer support. Earlier, whenever a customer had a problem with a company’s service, he/she would call them up. The customer support helped solve the problem (let’s just look at the brighter side of the picture). 

Now-a-days, people don’t use the phone anymore. Whenever they have a problem now, they get on some or the other network, Facebook, Twitter or Youtube. For example, have a look at this video in which a customer took the assistance of Youtube in order to drive home the point against the airline company. It went viral, by the way.

So, companies need to know what is being said about them across various social networks. And many need to go a step further by listening to what is being said about their competition. This will help in stopping a major PR breakdown later on.

Where Should A Business Look?

Typically, businesses must start with themselves – What is being said about them, their services, their employees, their offers, campaigns, anything.

Next, they must track the talk going about their competition. Furthermore, they can track their competitors’ employees and the whole “hiring and firing” cycle.

Tracking their area of specialization is another key strategy. Any new development must be reflected by your business with reference to new technologies, marketing strategies etc.

What Are The Metrics Businesses Look Forward To?

Mostly, metrics tie back to three essential requirements. Here they are –

  •         Awareness – The number of mentions that your brand is getting coupled with the positive/negative sentiment that your brand is generating will tie back to awareness.
  •        Sales – Things which tie back to “Sales Metric” are the Click-through, or offer redemptions.
  •         Loyalty – If you want to know how to gauge this metric then you need to know the amount of recommendation your brand is getting from your customers.

One must know that monitoring a social network alone cannot help you get the complete picture. You need to take the assistance of many networks. Remember, monitoring can make or break your social media campaign. So, be very careful.  

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