Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Blog Prob 3. No Clear Strategy

Blogs have their own purpose and if you still are writing just because "They" are writing it, then soon you will find yourself in a difficult spot, if not already! 

Blogs need to have a clear strategy. When you are writing a personal blog, you write in a way to communicate your thoughts to your friends and family members. When you are carrying out a business blog, you need to set your priorities right.

No Clear Strategy

In case of a business blog, you need to create content that will not only welcome your visitors to whichever post, but also help sustain the momentum. They must feel excited to visit your blog again later on.

Addressing the issue

  • Draw a Battle-Plan – You need to understand very clearly what you want from your blog. Will it just communicate your thoughts and aspirations? Or will it be written for highlighting your product and business?
  • Content is King – Whatever you do, you need to write it in a way that will build your reputation over-time. Readers will start to take you as a guaranteed source of inspiration only when you give them quality stuff.
  •  Design – Design speaks a lot for your business. Ensure to have a design that will welcome your visitor and allow them to go through your content seamlessly.
  •  Aim high – You must have come across some of the industry leaders’ blogs during the course of your own. Aim to create content that will match-up to their standards.

Follow the above tips and you will see more visitors in the due course of time. 

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