Kamis, 22 September 2011

Increase LinkedIn Reach NOW: Tips

LinkedIn has been always known to be the dark horse of the social media. If you are business owner who is looking for the best way to reach out to the potential investors and share-holders, LinkedIn is where the real game is at. Critics have written off LinkedIn quite a number of times but it still plays a major role in getting good candidates for companies. And then much more.

How to increase your LinkedIn reach? Here are the tips. Read on.

Fill out the Profile - Your profile is the first thing that will catch someone's attention. From potential recruiters to recruits, from investors to partners, a number of people judge a person by the LinkedIn profile. There are certain things you need to keep in mind. From uploading a professional image to creating a compelling headline, you need to follow a number of things. 

To know more, read this cool article at Social Media Examiner.

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Facebook Updates. AGAIN!

Facebook has gone a step further and has done up some really cool upgrades. Now, only time will tell whether or not Facebook users really like it or not. Some are already venting out their frustration on the frequent changes with respect to Facebook. The Facebook bar now looks completely "inspired" from Google+ though.

Now, before I go on to give you what they have said about Facebook's new features, here are the updated features for you -

1. Subscribers

This is one small step Facebook has taken to close its gap with Twitter. All you need to do is simply activate it and allow users to see your update which are deemed as "public". Google+ stole the lead early by introducing circles. But Facebook has the edge over G+ in one area - Membership.

2. Smart Lists

If you want to have a better control over your news feed, Facebook has done the job for you. If you haven't created lists already(they are difficult we know), Facebook will segregate your friends based on the closest interests like Schooling or College, and even places. Don't worry, you can always manage the users in the list. A bit of fine tuning will help you in optimizing your news feed.

3. Sharer Views

You can now see who has shared your post. This is a great way to measure your reach and optimize your content accordingly. 

Now, we have kept a tab on what users feel about Facebook's rollout. Here are some of them!

So, do you like the new Facebook update? Share your views below. 

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Social Media Growth: Infographic

This is BIG. Another cool infographic on the growth of social media and how people are actively playing a role in making companies what they are. If you are a business owner, then you need to carry out the right kind of steps in order to see that more and more customers are able to find your company. Click on the image to see the bigger version. Cheers!

Selasa, 06 September 2011

All about Dealing with Upset Facebook Fans

If you are new to social media, then chances are, you have a Facebook Page of your business. However, there are situations when you may feel that it is highly unnecessary for your customers to know about your business's shortcomings. Well, if you are so bothered about your business's reputation, then the first thing you can do without is delete the post by your angry customers. 

Dealing with angry Facebook fans, the right way

When you are looking for ways and means to tackle the negative feedback, you need to be sure, just by deleting those comments, you are actually harming your business.

There are a number of companies which have made a turn-around by revamping their customer servicing policy. Here is what they share -

  • Respond and ensure to make them feel wanted. When a customer sees that you are responding to his/her query, then that person will take notice of it. Ignoring a problem is never an option as you can do some serious damage since it gives out the message that you are simply ignoring the problem.

  • Understand one basic thing - your customers and what they feel should be of paramount importance to you. Remember, your customers may not know about things which are so easy for you. Make your products and services as client-friendly as possible. 

  • Never try and settle the matter publicly. It is always a great idea to talk through messages and ask the upset fan about the details of the issues. When the issue is solved, simply ask your fan if he/she can remove the post altogether. Often, if a fan finds out that the problem is handled, he/she will remove the post as soon as possible.

  • If you have a strong community, then give them a chance to respond on your behalf. In most of cases, it has been found that an angry customer who didn't know about some thing was duly informed about the problem by other members of the community. 

  • Finally, there arises a situation when a user just doesn't respond of the customer service attempt and simply turns hostile. You shouldn't allow those leveling expletives or racist remarks to mar your brand. Simply block that person for good.

So, how have you handled angry Facebook fans? Definitely not the angry birds approach, right? :D

Courtesy - onlinemarketingstrategynews.com
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