Senin, 03 April 2006

I haven't updated in while. I'm slackin'. What happened to my generation? Ten years ago the media were calling us slackers. Hollywood made movies about us slacking. Now everyone my age that I know, who vowed never to become their parents and spend their lives toiling for the man, work double the hours our parents worked. Generation X has truly lost its way.

I was thinking about this generational work-life predicament two weekends ago after having lunch with some friends. We discussed men our age, who seem to be leading a trend of quitting their jobs and not working. More and more, the model seems to be that Gen X women work and men do not. They don't make excuses about not working, they aren't unable to work, they simply do not want to work and quit their jobs. We sat and thought about this phenomenon and as we took inventory of our friends who are couples, we could only name a handful of them whose male partners are gainfully employed.

We considered this societal shift and some of the causes of it. A backlash to feminism? The result of our working mothers making it look too easy? The next evolution of the metrosexual: first he became comfortable getting a manicure, now he's playing house? Or more likely, now he's playing X-Box in the house.

As I walked home though the West Village, I stepped right on someone's street team marketing campaign.

Chalked along Sixth avenue and 10th Street, for several blocks, was this URL.

I don't know if this kind of grassroots, guerilla marketing tactic is successful enough generate traffic, but it got me to the site.

And I kinda wish I hadn't gone there.
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