Rabu, 21 Juni 2006

Today is a great day, because my friend, who is also my personal PR project, got a nice mention in Rolling Stone, thanks to fellow fan Ben Folds who gave him a shout out onstage and to Rolling Stone. Very Cool. Love Ben Folds.

His name is Corn Mo and if you don't know it yet, remember it, because like Dave Holmes said on TRL a few years ago, Corn Mo is "The Future of Rock." Word.

You never know where Corn Mo is going to show up. A few years ago, he popped up onstage and fully robed at a number of gigs with The Polyphonic Spree during their tour with Bowie.

Corn Mo rocks an accordian like you may not have known an accordian can rock. In a word, he's supadope.

Here's a booking I helped him with a couple of years ago, watch him bring the house down on Jimmy Kimmel.

And if you are a They Might Be Giants fan, check this.

Someday, Corn Mo will rule the world. Until then, you'll have to check here for upcoming dates and arrange to see this legend-in-the-making in the flesh.

Don't be afraid to yell out "Freebird," he's got a mean rendition to play.
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