Rabu, 06 September 2006

I'll admit it. I spent the early part of this morning and my lunch hour, hobbling around town on a sprained ankle, desperately searching for my own copy of Surity Fair. Four newsstands, 3 bodega's and 1 Christian bookstore later (who knew there were Christian bookstores located midtown??? Fascinating!), I located the sold out issue in another area of town and begged the proprietor to put 3 issues on hold as I sent an intern out of the door on this Mission Nearly-Impossible.

Like some other bloggers, I don't believe that Katie actually actually gave birth to a baby, so clearly I needed this 22-page exhibit to carefully examine the evidence. My verdict? He's gooooooooooood. That Tom Cruise is one crafty SOB. That baby looks just like both of them. Almost eerily so.

One last thing. Matt Lauer,, did you really have to use the tabloid term "Brangelina" in your interview with the VF writer? Come on now, Matt. Don't be glib, Matt. Don't give in to the US Weekly mentality. Have you already forgotten to tongue lashing that your colleague (and Aneglina BFF) Ann Curry received from Angie on-air when Ann referenced an issue of the celebrity weekly? Are you intentionally working to sour Ann's "in" with the pillow-mouthed Mother Teresa?

Raise the bar, Matt. Raise the bar. If we can't count on you to elevate our news depth, who can we count on? Certainly, not your old coffee clatch mate who has turned to youtube-like gimmicks to define her broadcasts.
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