Minggu, 17 Juni 2007

Apparently, I pressed a hot button when I commented on Mediapost's story last week deconstructing the "new" Facebook. Max Kalehoff took my comment to his personal blog and opined that while he doesn't think that Facebook is "over," he wonders what Facebook will do to retain their loyal base. Lynda Radosevich wonders the same thing. Don Park doesn't have any answers either.

Facebook is in a tricky spot and I'm very interested to see how they navigate this expansion. They cornered a hot market for advertisers with college and then high school kids, and I can understand the temptation they must have to compete with goliath, MySpace. I can also understand that it must suck to have your core userbase turnover annually and have to continually rebuild.

That said, Facebook sits on a dangerous sinkhole. Expansion brings bigger numbers to increase traffic/google juice and consquently increase ad rates, but may repel that core demo that makes them so appealing to the very same advertisers.

I'll be watching closely.
Last, here's an overdue personal plug. Check out the podcast IncPlace whom were nice enough to have me on their podcast
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