Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

I've been meaning to link this essay from Wired for months, but frankly, I rarely blog anymore.

If you know me in real life or if you follow me on Twitter, then you've likely heard me harp about blogs and how passe I find them to be. Who needs blogging when you have microblogging? Why read 500 or 1000 words, when I can get the message in 140 characters?

And yes, I know, sometimes we need more than 140 characters to wax poetic or dissect a particular topic, and that is one of the reasons that blogs are good.

And yes, there are some blogs that I will continue to read, but for the most part, they are webrity blogs that are long established (long for the blogosphere, that is), like: Gawker, Deadspin, Perez, the700level and a few others.

Because I work in social media, I research blogs and keep up with the Jones' out there in the blogosphere, but my daily personal interest reads include very few blogs.

So yes, for the most part, I agree with Wired's essayist. If you're thinking about launching your own blog now, don't bother.
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